Groundbreaking event for Videoblogging
It's a groundbreaking event in the young history of videoblogging. Check out TVWeek’s story about Tivo Videoblog Project, which will “broadcasting” (right word?) Internet TV shows to users.
While Tivo is starting slowly with mainstream providers like CNET, the NY Times and the NBA, they’ll also be featuring a couple true videoblogging superstars like
Their press release suggests that this is just the beginning.
In another article, (which I can’t find now), I recall that Tivo plans to insert advertising on the videoblogs and share the revenue with videoblog providers.
While Tivo is starting slowly with mainstream providers like CNET, the NY Times and the NBA, they’ll also be featuring a couple true videoblogging superstars like
Their press release suggests that this is just the beginning.
"The range and quality of broadband video is exploding on the Web, but it's not TV until it is on the TV," TiVo CEO Tom Rogers said in a statement. "With the TiVoCast service, we are once again transforming the television experience by bringing the rapidly expanding array of video content on the Internet into the living room."TiVo seems to be heavily invested in making videoblogs accessible on TV. Their site requests that you contact them if you have a videoblog or are interested in participating.
In another article, (which I can’t find now), I recall that Tivo plans to insert advertising on the videoblogs and share the revenue with videoblog providers.
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