Google obsession admitted...
This entry is off-topic, but very revealing of my persona. I'm obsessed with Google.
I believe their search engine is vastly superior to any other site. I just recently migrated to Gmail, Google's web-based email system. While it suffers from bugs, it's still better than my desk-based Outlook.
The main advantage is that I can load my contact list into Gmail and access if from work or on the road or from my phone. My email never has to be forwarded, it's always right at my fingertips. Since Google always throws a large amount of brainpower at any problem, you know they'll eventually have the best spam filter.
And it's free. How do they do it? Simple... Ads.
For example, the ads in their email program are context-oriented (based on key words in your email messages) and that makes them very useful. I haven't clicked on an ad yet, but evenually one will offer a solution to a problem I've encountered and I'll click. And I'll be grateful.
But Google is just getting started. Last week they announced the beta launch of their new web-based spreadsheet. I haven't used the program; but if it's buggy, I know Google will fix it until it works perfectly.
This is a company with a laser-like focus on becoming the provider of ALL the information services you will need... from anywhere. From search to phone to TV to music to research to personal assistants, Google will provide a bubble of information & entertainment to consumers.
But to be that omnipresent, the company has to grow. Fast.
And that's what's happing. Google is growing faster than any than any previous company! The sheer velocity of growth from Google is staggering. I believe it is the fastest-growing company (in terms of revenue) in the country right now. They are building huge computing farms TWICE the size of a football field... in over 100 locations around the world! It's like the Borg have tapped into world economy.
Yeah, I know I got a little sci-fi there, but MY GOD, this company is moving so far beyond the competition; it will be difficult for even a well-funded company like Microsoft to catch up.
Consider this: Google is one of largest consumers of electricty in the country.
And when Google develops proprietary cold-fusion electricity to power their server farms, then they will truly be unbeatable. Because they will have built a barrier-to-entry that's so large, no company (and few countries) can overcome it.
But we won't care, we the consumer will be getting our super-fast, highly-interactive infotainment and be blissfully unconcerned. The Borg will have consumed us.
I believe their search engine is vastly superior to any other site. I just recently migrated to Gmail, Google's web-based email system. While it suffers from bugs, it's still better than my desk-based Outlook.
The main advantage is that I can load my contact list into Gmail and access if from work or on the road or from my phone. My email never has to be forwarded, it's always right at my fingertips. Since Google always throws a large amount of brainpower at any problem, you know they'll eventually have the best spam filter.
And it's free. How do they do it? Simple... Ads.
For example, the ads in their email program are context-oriented (based on key words in your email messages) and that makes them very useful. I haven't clicked on an ad yet, but evenually one will offer a solution to a problem I've encountered and I'll click. And I'll be grateful.
But Google is just getting started. Last week they announced the beta launch of their new web-based spreadsheet. I haven't used the program; but if it's buggy, I know Google will fix it until it works perfectly.
This is a company with a laser-like focus on becoming the provider of ALL the information services you will need... from anywhere. From search to phone to TV to music to research to personal assistants, Google will provide a bubble of information & entertainment to consumers.
But to be that omnipresent, the company has to grow. Fast.
And that's what's happing. Google is growing faster than any than any previous company! The sheer velocity of growth from Google is staggering. I believe it is the fastest-growing company (in terms of revenue) in the country right now. They are building huge computing farms TWICE the size of a football field... in over 100 locations around the world! It's like the Borg have tapped into world economy.
Yeah, I know I got a little sci-fi there, but MY GOD, this company is moving so far beyond the competition; it will be difficult for even a well-funded company like Microsoft to catch up.
Consider this: Google is one of largest consumers of electricty in the country.
And when Google develops proprietary cold-fusion electricity to power their server farms, then they will truly be unbeatable. Because they will have built a barrier-to-entry that's so large, no company (and few countries) can overcome it.
But we won't care, we the consumer will be getting our super-fast, highly-interactive infotainment and be blissfully unconcerned. The Borg will have consumed us.
A man after my own heart... someone who inserts Star Trek concepts into everyday writing.
I actually wrote an essay at university about how the Cardassian-Bajoran relationship is not dissimilar to the Japanese-Korean occupation. Both Bajorans and Korean hold incredible grudges against their former aggressors... aggressors who often refuse to apologize for the past.
You're right about Google... I don't know what I would do without them. I feel as if my intelligence escalated as soon as I discovered the search engine... now I can learn almost anything I want.
Great meeting you at Vloggercon, you're going to love your Muldor interview when I post it in the next couple of weeks (we're still building his empire... I mean, web site).
I love Casey's show Galacticast. I interviewed her and partner Rudy Jahchan to get the scoop on their show. Should be posted soon.
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